Well, you can call me Ray...

Heh. i came across a service called Usenet-Addresses that kept track of all addresses collected from Usenet postings between July 1991 and February 1996. Since i was on the net at that time (barely), and using Usenet, i thought i'd do a lookup on myself. Funny what i found:

zdarryl [at] mcl.ucsb.edu (Darryl Lee) (Feb 6 96)
Darryl Lee <lee [at] library.ucsb.edu> (Nov 13 95)
udarryl [at] mcl.ucsb.edu (Darryl Lee) (Sep 7 94)
darryl [at] pan.ucsb.edu (Darryl Lee) (Mar 18 94)
lee [at] ariz.library.ucsb.edu (Darryl Lee) (Mar 23 94)
lee [at] library.ucsb.edu (Darryl Lee) (Mar 20 94)
udarryl [at] mcl.ucsb.edu (Darryl (True) Lee) (May 11 93)
udarryl [at] mcl.ucsb.edu (Darryl 'Sudden' Lee) (May 21 93)
udarryl [at] mcl.ucsb.edu (Darryl "Gol" Lee) (Nov 1 92)
udarryl [at] mcl.ucsb.edu (Darryl "Sil" Lee) (Jun 11 92)
udarryl [at] mcl.mcl.ucsb.edu (Darryl "Sil" Lee) (May 21 92)
udarryl [at] mcl.mcl.ucsb.edu (Darryl "always time" Lee) (Mar 11 92)
6600dayl [at] ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (Darryl "only the lone" Lee) (Sep 3 91)
6600dayl [at] ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (Darryl "NOT Ug" Lee) (Aug 1 91)
Thank goodness they didn't keep any of the posts. But ah, that's what Dejanews is for.
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