Re: [WinMac] The Emperor (Jobs) has no clothes

Darryl Lee(lee[at]
Fri, 8 Jan 1999 13:28:35 -0800 (PST)

> There are plenty of places for Intergraph to show its stuff. MacWorld Expo
> is not it. It was plain bad manners for Intergraph to try to sell NT-based
> solutions there.

Fine. Bad manners. Bad taste.

Certainly good business sense, though. People that use Macs, even the
zealots, have probably taken a look at other platforms, be they NT or
*nix or whatever. They probably worry about Apple's future, despite
the tremendous iMac response.

But to be _banned_ because of bad manners, and bad taste?

Intergraph undoubtably paid their booth fees. Whether or not it's
a waste of space or not to use it to demo NT boxes at a Mac conference
should be left for the customer to decide, imho.

i can imagine a real Mac zealot coming up, razzing the box and the
people in the booth. Trying to crash it. Whatever. And he'd either
find out that he was justified in his opinion, or surprised that
the box (and people) held up under his abuse.

Fine fine, there were terms of the IDG contract that said that you're
_primarily_ showing off Mac products. But hey, don't they let Be into
MacWorld? Isn't it actually one of the more popular booths? And gee,
they run on *gasp* Intel! They run on *gasp* non-Apple hardware.
*Gasp* they don't run Macintosh apps.

i know, this threatens to turn into an ugly flamewar, but hey, now
that i think about Be, yeah, what _is_ the deal with Intergraph? i
think it _is_ fear. Or indignation. Steve says Macs beat PCs. God
forbid anybody on the floor says (or demos) differently.


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